bruit I artbook published by Gevaert Editions I
I 512 pages I hard cover 251 mm x 318 mm I ©hugo bonamin 2023 I

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Teerhof 20, 28199 Bremen, Germany
WIELS art book fair
Past Events
Boekie Woekie & Friends
at Arti & Amicitiae
Show & Talk of bruit at Atelier & Galerie Raynald Métraux
Super Books #4
24th & 25th of May 2023

KANAL Centre Pompidou (BE)
Swiss National Library (CH)
Kunsthalle Basel Library (CH)
Royal Library of Belgium (BE)
Center for Artist’s Publications – Weserburg Museum (DE)
AAP archive artist publications (DE)
Walther König (DE & International)
Saint-Martin Bookshop (BE)
Rile – ARGOS Bookshop (BE)
Peinture Fraîche (BE)
Kunsthalle Basel Bookshop (CH)
Never stop reading (CH)
Atelier & Galerie Raynald Métraux (CH)
WIELS Bookshop (BE)
Boekie Woekie (NL)

How versatile is monochromy? How colorful is a single tone? Whether in red, blue, green, white or black: Monochrome works exist in all colors and non-colors. Monochromy. On the Aesthet- ics of Published Art presents various expressions of the contem- porary artistic investigations of color.
Ever since the 1950s, conceptions with completely monochrome surfaces have arisen in the context of artists’ publications with the goal of achieving the highest possible degree of simplifi cation and concentration. On display in the exhibition are works by more than sixty artists who thematize the different aspects of monochromy and its meaning for art. The artists focus on aspects of absolute abstraction, emotions, color and emptiness, all the way to the phil- osophical and religious concept of nothingness. Monochromy is presented in the form of prints, artist’s books and periodicals, ob- jects and paintings as well as in the context of Sound Art.
Rozbeh Asmani, Robert Barry, Eric Baskauskas, Pierre Bismuth, Irma Blank, Doro Boehme, Christian Boltanski, Hugo Bonamin, Stanley Brouwn, James Lee Byars, John Cage, Leif Eriksson, Joseph Ernst, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Irene Friedman, Heinz Gappmayr, Michael Gibbs, Mathias Goeritz, Fernanda Gomes, Daniel Göttin, Nan Groot Antink, Kristján Guðmundsson, Paul Heimbach, Parker Ito, Jean Keller, Yves Klein, Imi Knoebel, Ferdinand Kriwet, Jean Le Noble, Sol LeWitt, Gure Liburuak, George Maciunas, George Meertens, Felix Meyer, Bruce Nauman, Louise Nevelson, Olaf Nicolai, Jean- Michel Othoniel, Pratchaya Phinthong, Ad Reinhardt, Boyd Rice, Winston Roeth, Allen Ruppersberg, Karin Sander, Conrad Schnitzler, Yann Sérandour, Ettore Spalletti, Diana Sprenger, Endre Tót, Jiří Valoch, Bernard Villers, Jan Voss, herman de vries, Peter Willen, Euan Williams, Ian Wilson und andere / and others.